Statuses, Types & Registration Cycles/Periods

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General Student Org Statuses denote whether they are registered and eligible to receive benefits and services from the university.

  • Eligible to register for its next registration cycle.
  • Student organizations that fail to submit their registration by the end of the Primary Registration Period (see Registration Cycles/Periods below) will lose access to all university benefits and services, including being listed on OneIllinois.
    • Orange Student Org Loss of University Benefits: June 1
    • Blue Student Org Loss of University Benefits: December 16
  • OneIllinois Groups Page Visibility: Student org listed with the following label
    Orangeish button with text reading 'Group Not Registered Yet'
  • Submitted a registration for its next cycle and is under review by Student Engagement or requires modification by the student org for approval.
  • Student Orgs with registration submissions requiring modifications maintain eligibility for university benefits and services until the end of the Primary Registration Period (see Registration Cycles/Periods below).
    • Submissions requiring modifications not re-submitted before the Primary Registration Period will lose university benefits and services.
  • Students Orgs submitting a registration during the Continuing Registration (see Registration Cycles/Periods below) are not eligible for university benefits or services until approved.
  • OneIllinois Groups Page Visibility: Student org listed with the following label
    Orangeish button with text reading 'Group Not Registered Yet'
  • Administrative statuses are manually applied to a student organization by Student Engagement when a student org has one of the following Holds:
    • SOFC Hold
      • Currently has a deficit in their Student Org General Fund, OR
      • Failed to reconcile expected revenue as reported to the SOFC.
    • SORF Hold (applies ONLY to student orgs that have received a SORF allocation)
      • Failed to submit an Expense Report to the SORF Board for their approved allocations.
    • Administrative Hold
      • Placed on an interim suspension by the Dean of Students.
  • Locked student orgs are not eligible for university benefits and services, including being listed on OneIllinois until the Hold has been resolved.
  • OneIllinois Groups Page Visibility: Student org not listed.
  • Failed to register for the last two (2) consecutive registration cycles or received a Formal Sanction of Revocation of their student organization status by the Office of Student Conflict Resolution per the Illinois Student Code.
  • Inactive student orgs are not eligible for university benefits and services.
  • OneIllinois Groups Page Visibility: Student org not listed.

Student Org Types & Registration Cycles/Periods

Student organizations are assigned to the Orange Student Org Type or Blue Student Org Type based on officer terms. See the details below regarding cycle/period definitions and deadlines.


  • Student Org Type: An assigned type of Orange or Blue indicating the registration cycle of the student organization. Types are assigned based on the terms officers hold their positions, regardless of when they are elected. See the respective Orange and Blue Student Org Types below.
  • Registration Cycle: The year (non-calendar) for which a student organization is registered.
  • Primary Registration Period: A defined period at the end of the current cycle, where student organizations may register for the new and upcoming cycle. During this time, student orgs registered for the current cycle continue to receive university benefits and services. Failure to register your student organization by the end of the Primary Registration Period will result in losing access to all university benefits and services.
  • Continuing Registration Period: A defined period from the start of the cycle to the beginning of the next Primary Registration Period, where a student org may register for the cycle. This allows student organizations that did not register during the Primary Registration Period to submit a registration. Eligibility for university benefits and services are restored once the registration is approved.

Orange Student Organizations are those with officer terms traditionally held during the academic year (August–May).

Registration Cycle Dates: June 1 – May 31

  • Primary Registration Period: April 1 – May 31
  • Continuing Registration Period: June 1 – March 31

Orange Cycle begins June 1


  1. April
  2. May

Continuing Registration Period

  1. June
  2. July
  3. August
  4. September
  5. October
  6. November
  7. December
  8. January
  9. February
  10. March

To register your student organization, click the blue "+ Group Re-Registration" button on your student org profile in OneIllinois. Registration is accessible to current officers only for the first fifteen days of the Primary Registration Period. Starting April 16, any member on the roster may submit the student org’s registration.

Blue Student Organizations are those with officer terms traditionally held during the calendar year (January – December).

Registration Cycle Dates1: December 16 – December 15

  • Primary Registration Period: November 1 – December 15 1
  • Continuing Registration Period: December 16 – October 31

Blue Cycle begins December 16


  1. November
  2. December 1-15

Continuing Registration Period

  1. December 16-31
  2. January
  3. February
  4. March
  5. April
  6. May
  7. June
  8. July
  9. August
  10. September
  11. October

To register your student organization, click the blue "+ Group Re-Registration" button on your student org profile in OneIllinois. Registration is accessible to current officers only for the first fifteen days of the Primary Registration Period. Starting November 16, any member on the roster may submit the student org’s registration.

1 The Blue Student Org Cycle Primary Registration Period ends on December 15 due to university closure for winter break.

Need to Switch Student Org Type?
If your student org needs to change type, email However, your student org must register with the new type after the change.
