New & Re-Activating

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Students interested in starting a new student org are encouraged to browse our more than 900 student orgs at Illinois. If students do not find an org that meets their needs, they may request to create a new org or re-activate a previously existing org at Illinois.

Students interested in starting or re-activating a student organization must complete the following steps:

  1. The prospective President must attend a New or Re-Activating Student Org Orientation.
  2. After attending the New or Re-Activating Student Org Orientation Workshop, the student org's prospective President will receive an email invitation to meet with a SODA team member. The student organization’s mission/purpose will be reviewed during this meeting to ensure it is unique and not duplicative.

    The student organization’s prospective President must also provide a Constitution to be reviewed by the professional staff member prior to the meeting. Failure to do so will result in your meeting being rescheduled.

    Download a template for a Constitution & Bylaws (doc).

  3. Complete the online registration process via the OneIllinois system. Access will be granted to the President during the meeting with the SODA team member.
  4. Upon registration approval, the five required student officers must accept their roles (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Director). In addition, the President & Treasurer must agree to the Terms and Conditions.

Once the above steps are completed, the org is deemed an Active student org.

Please Note: Once you’ve met with a SODA staff member and your organization’s profile is created, you must register the organization by May 31. Failure to register by the deadline will result in the organization needing to restart the entire New or Re-Activating process, which begins the following fall semester.

For questions regarding starting a New or Re-Activating student orgs, please contact us.
